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Cosen C-650 MNC Automatic Infeed & Mitre (STOCK)

Machine Specifications:

Angle                    0                              45                           60

Round                   16.5”                      16”                         10”
Rect.                      15×25.6″            16×16”                    16×10”
Bundle cut option      16.5 x 25″


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Saw blade
Speed                                     Infinite invertor controlled 66-330 fpm
Size (LxWxT)                                        208 x 1 1/2 x 0.050”
Tension                       Hydraulic with automatic blade breakage detection
Guide                                    Interchangeable tungsten carbide
Cleaning                     Steel wire brush with flexible drive shaft driven by main motor

Saw blade                                                          7.5HP
Hydraulic                                                           2HP
Coolant                                                             1/8HP

Hydraulic                                                       36 Liter
Coolant                                                           61 Liter

Clamping                                 Dual clamp, front/back with CNC feeding
Hydraulic overhead bundling for each clamp
Stroke : 31″
Saw head feed  Speed           automatic adjustable from control panel
Saw head opening                                             Automatic
Adjustable Mitre                                               0 – 60 Degree
Chip Conveyor                                              yes, hydraulic driven
Conveyor                                                            yes, roll type
Working height                                                        29,5”
Net Weight                                                             7,216 Lbs
Floor space                                                         142x114x98″

SNC-100 Touch screen program interface:
Auto or Manual working mode
Single or Bundle cutting mode
Trim Cut
Clamping vice & blade monitoring
Blade speed and feeding display
Multiple feed lengths and cuts

Specifications can change without prior notice